
F4E takes pride in being diverse

“I will not rest when it comes to building a Union of equality. A Union where you can be who you are and love who you want – without fear of recrimination or discrimination. Because being yourself is not your ideology. It’s your identity. And no-one can ever take it away”. European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, State of the Union 2020

EU Diversity Month is much more than a nice tagline: it is also a statement of intention. Our strength is in our diversity – of backgrounds, age, thoughts and, also, sexual orientation and gender identity.

In the EU Agencies, we contribute to building a Europe where people are free, safe, and equally able to live their lives – regardless of their sex preferences or gender expression. That’s what the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 adopted by the European Commission in 2020 aims at, and all EU Agencies and Joint Undertakings share its purpose.

Pride month exists to remind us that discrimination, violence, and hatred against LGBTIQ+ people go against the fundamental values of the European Union and must be eliminated. We claim the right to be us – plainly and unconditionally. And equally so, in our workplaces. F4E has its own Strategy on Diversity, Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination, and a dedicated plan to ensure its implementation. No one should feel excluded, discriminated, or stigmatised.


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