
In memory of Giuseppe Mazzitelli

F4E and the Procurement & Contracts Committee (PCC) regret to announce the passing of Giuseppe Mazzitelli in Rome on 9 November 2021. He was recognised as one of the most influential fusion advocates in Italy in the last 40 years. A person of great human qualities, he spent most of his career in ENEA where he held numerous positions of responsibility at national level and in international committees, up to the position of Head of the Fusion Technologies Division and Deputy Director of the Fusion and Nuclear Safety. A convinced supporter of the Divertor Tokamak Test project, he was among those who allowed the launch of this crucial challenge for ENEA and for the world of fusion.

He had been a member and Vice-Chair of the PCC since 1 January 2021. Those who knew him were able to appreciate his deep scientific knowledge and his capacity to explain very complex subjects . As Vice-Chair of the PCC and former member of the Executive Committee (ExCo), he has contributed to the deliberations of both committees with his great knowledge, experience and insight in industrial relations and contracts.

Ms Francoise Flament, Chair of the Procurement & Contracts Committee, deeply regrets his loss:  “Giuseppe will be greatly missed for both his contribution, but also his human presence”,

In an affectionate of his memory you can watch here some of his speeches in the video “Italy Stellar“, part of the “The Italian Innovation” project of which he was part.


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