
The EU Council mandates the Commission to formally approve the new ITER baseline at the next ITER Council

At its meeting on 12 April 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted “conclusions” on the reformed ITER project, in line with the European Commission communication adopted back in June 2017. The Communication presented the revised schedule and budget estimates for the European participation in the ITER project. The new baseline for the project plans the first experiments for 2025 and full power operation by 2035.

The Council conclusions underline the fundamental importance of the ITER project in the European roadmap to make fusion energy a reality in the second half of this century. They acknowledge the improvements on the project governance and the efforts of the new management to bring the project back on track in line with the staged approach which forms the basis of the new baseline. The Council reaffirms the continued European commitment to the successful completion of the ITER project and its intention to strive to provide the necessary funds in the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework.

The Council underlines the importance for all the ITER parties to show a clear commitment to the new baseline. It calls on Fusion for Energy to provide the European contribution within this new framework and envelop of resources.

The full text of the Council Conclusions can be found here.


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