
Change in F4E management

Today an agreement has been reached within the Governing Board of Fusion for Energy (F4E), the body responsible for the EU contribution to the ITER International Fusion Energy Research Project, on a change in its management. The current Director, Mr. Johannes Schwemmer, will become Principal Adviser as of 16 June 2022 and Mr. Pietro Barabaschi will be Acting Director from this date until the appointment of a new Director.

Mr. Schwemmer took office in 2016 with the mandate to provide the European contributions to the ITER project and to the fusion-related activities under the so-called Broader Approach Agreement with Japan.

During his tenure, he brought his industrial experience into the Joint Undertaking and refocused the organisation on the project performance. The Governing Board thanks him for his commitment and his contribution. However, the Governing Board considers that upcoming challenges of ITER and F4E need new impetus in the interest of the project, which is acknowledged by Mr Schwemmer. He emphasized that: “Having the opportunity to lead F4E for over six years has been an honour and a privilege. I thank the European Commission and Members States for the confidence they placed in me and in my managers and staff who have worked tirelessly to help bringing the power of the Sun to Earth”.

The vacancy notice for the post of the F4E Director will be published soon. Meanwhile Mr. Pietro Barabaschi will be advised by Mr. Schwemmer to ensure a smooth transition in the management of F4E until the end of the year.


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