
F4E SME Day puts business opportunities in the spotlight

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) can play a big role in large scientific projects like ITER. They have specialised skills, act in an agile manner, and are one of the main pillars of Europe’s economy. F4E engages with these companies to procure high-quality components and services for ITER and other projects.

On 13 November, F4E brought together 50 companies at the SME Day in Barcelona and online. The aim of the event was to reinforce the collaboration between F4E and SMEs —bringing together those with experience in fusion and those eager to explore its wealth of business opportunities.

F4E shared the results of a survey conducted earlier this year, gathering feedback from over 140 SMEs. The responses highlighted positive views on F4E’s procurement and contract management processes, while also pinpointing areas for improvement. In this regard, participants discussed actions to streamline information exchange, reduce the administrative burden or facilitate partnerships with larger companies. For this last point, F4E presented the new partnership opportunities section on the F4E Industry Portal, where SMEs can showcase their expertise and seek new partners.

Other sessions focused on topics like quality and nuclear safety or legal and contractual aspects. Some of F4E’s Industrial Liaison Officers were also present to offer insights and guidance to those looking to get involved in fusion and other Big Science projects.

Marc Lachaise, Director of F4E, celebrated the interest in F4E’s work shown by attendants: “We want SMEs to play a role in fusion because they are at the heart of Europe’s economy and essential to innovation and competitiveness.” Kristel Tans, Head of the Project Control, Supply Chain and Finance Department at F4E, sponsored the SMEs Day and took the opportunity to stress their potential. “SMEs are an integral part of Europe’s contribution to ITER, and we are committed to involving them. By facilitating their access to the project, capitalising on their skills and agility, we are building a big pool of partners at the service of the biggest international fusion project.”

F4E Director Marc Lachaise highlighted the value of engaging with SMEs as part of the fusion supply chain. ©F4E
Joan Barcelo

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