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Discover the
benefits of fusion
for Europe
This important European investment fosters industrial innovation by generating new knowledge and spin-offs, opens new markets and increases the competitiveness of companies, promoting economic growth.
energy supply

Energy is essential to our survival. It is a driving force for progress, peace and prosperity. By having access to sufficient and steady power supply we can bridge inequalities and improve our well-being. Otherwise, we end up depending on other countries to satisfy our energy needs, running the risk of conflict.
Currently in Europe, more than half of the energy we consume comes from abroad at a cost of 1 billion EUR per day. We depend on others at a time of growing geopolitical uncertainty and fierce competition as to who will lead the fourth industrial revolution.

The EU has set the most ambitious targets in its attempt to lead the battle against climate change by taking further measures and investing in new energy sources. By 2030 greenhouse gas emissions will be cut by 40% and energy efficiency will need to improve by 32.5%. Our aim is to work towards a safe, stable and sustainable mix which consists of different alternatives including fusion energy.
will be cut by 40%.

Being responsible for nearly half of the project, Europe is at the driving seat of the energy experiment which offers industry and research organisations unparalleled access to know-how. Manufacturing the European share of components and providing the infrastructure means working with suppliers from all over the world; becoming more competitive by acquiring new skills; entering into new business markets, and learning how to deliver the energy of tomorrow.