Job Vacancies
Apply for a vacancy at Fusion for Energy!
New vacant positions recently published are listed below.
Before applying, please read carefully the instructions in the “e-Recruitment User Guide”
The online e-recruitment application tool is the only acceptable means of sending in job applications unless a different procedure is explicitly mentioned
The online application process starts upon clicking “CLICK TO APPLY” next to a vacancy/profile of your interest. New users must create F4E E-recruitment account by filling in the required information (fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory). In case applicants already have an e-recruitment profile, they just need to enter the credentials to sign in and proceed.
To validate the e-recruitment account, the candidates must click on the link sent to them by email. Only once the e-recruitment account is validated, the candidates may submit their applications by uploading the requested documents mentioned in the Vacancy Notice.
After successfully submitting the application electronically, a confirmation message will appear on the screen and an email will be sent confirming the selection for which the application has been submitted for.
Only complete applications submitted within the deadline fixed for each vacant position will be taken into consideration.
Applicants are responsible for keeping their e-mail addresses and personal details up to date in their profile in F4E online application tool.
Please note that all applications must be electronically submitted by 12:00 noon, Barcelona GMT+1 by the deadline stated in each vacancy notice.
F4E does not consider unsolicited/spontaneous applications whether received by post or by e-mail. Only applications for published vacancies submitted through the e-recruitment portal can be taken into consideration.
For each selection procedure, an independent Selection Committee is established composed mainly of the staff members of Fusion for Energy. Selection Committees established for Temporary and Contract Agent selections are composed of a minimum of 3 members: a member from the relevant service,a member from the Administration Department and a member designated by the Staff Committee. In specific cases, in particular for selection procedures of highly specialised / technical positions, a maximum of two additional members and/or advisors may be designated.
The proceedings and deliberations of the Selection Committee are strictly confidential and any contact with its members is strictly forbidden.
The members of the Selection Committee examine all the applications, making a careful comparison of each candidate’s qualifications and draw up short-lists of eligible candidates who meet all essential selection criteria and have the best profiles for the specific needs to be invited for the interview. The criteria on which the Selection Committee bases its decision are those stated in the Vacancy Notice of the position published on the website.Only candidates on the short-list can have the opportunity to take part in the interviews. All the candidates, invited and non invited, are informed on the progress of the selection process in due time by email.
After the interviews, the Selection Committee draws up a reserve list with the most suitable candidates, which is adopted by the Appointing Authority and is valid for a minimum of 1 year.
All the candidates interviewed are informed on the outcome of the interviews by email.
Completed selections are those for which the selection process is closed and reserve list is established.
The purpose of drawing up a reserve list is to be able to have a list of successful candidates who might eventually be employed in F4E. As far as the position in the reserve list is concerned, no distinction on merit is done among the successful candidates therefore no ranking of the candidates is established.
During the period of validity of the reserve list, in case a position becomes available or the need of the specific profile arises in different services of ‘Fusion for Energy’, candidates are contacted, called for a job interview and offered a position if their profile is found suitable for the position is question. Candidates should note that inclusion in the reserve list does not guarantee recruitment.
As stated in the vacancy notice all the positions published are subject to the availability of budget and posts in the establishment plan of the Joint Undertaking, as decided by the EU budgetary authority.
The validity of the reserve list can be extended by the decision of the Director. This decision on the extension or not of the validity of the reserve list is taken by the Director of ‘Fusion for Energy’ by the end of each year. All candidates on the reserve lists receive a communication on this subject in due time by email and the information is also updated on F4E website.
Upon the decision of the Director of Fusion for Energy, a selection might be cancelled.
All the candidates concerned are informed in due time by email.