Discover Fusion
Fusion is the energy that powers the stars.
Our Sun is a gigantic fusion device,
the biggest in our solar system.
Our Sun is a gigantic fusion device,
the biggest in our solar system.
The energy making
life on Earth possible
life on Earth possible
How does it work?
In the core of the Sun, hydrogen atoms move at incredible speed. Light atoms of hydrogen fuse into one heavier atom of helium. The reaction releases lots of energy in the form of light and heat.
Every second our Sun coverts 600 million tonnes
of hydrogen into helium
of hydrogen into helium
Bringing Fusion
to Earth
to Earth
To replicate the fusion reaction, we need two kinds of hydrogen: deuterium and tritium. But because they are both positively charged they tend to repel one another.
On the Sun, due to the strong gravity, hydrogen atoms fuse at 15 million°C. On Earth, however, because of the weaker gravitational forces, they need to be heated at temperatures as high as 150 million °C in order to collide
On the Sun, due to the strong gravity, hydrogen atoms fuse at 15 million°C. On Earth, however, because of the weaker gravitational forces, they need to be heated at temperatures as high as 150 million °C in order to collide
Deuterieum can be found in sea water.
We have enough supplies to last millions of years.Tritium can be generated from lithium, extracted from the crust of the earth.
Fusion Energy
Fusion Energy
For decades scientists have been trying to figure out how to produce this energy through various experiments. Although the principle is simple, they face several challenges. At 150 million °C, hydrogen atoms crush and end up forming an ‘electrically-charged gas’ known as plasma.
They came up with the idea of a Tokamak: a chamber using a powerful magnetic field to contain the hot plasma.
They came up with the idea of a Tokamak: a chamber using a powerful magnetic field to contain the hot plasma.
On Earth, atoms must be heated at 150 million °C in order to collide so that they generate a fusion reaction. This is how they form an ‘electrically-charged gas’ known as plasma—the fourth state of matter.