Header Governance
Header Governance

& Committees

Administration and Management Committee
The Administration and Management Committee (AMC) provides advice or recommendations to the Governing Board or Director on specific matters related to the administrative and financial planning of F4E and may carry out any other tasks that the Governing Board delegate to it.

In particular, the AMC prepares opinions and recommendations for the Governing Board on:

  • The annual budget and related amendments;
  • The annual Work programme;
  • The Consolidated Annual Activity Report;
  • The draft and final version of the Single Programming document, including the project; plan, the work programme, the financial and human resources resource estimate plans;
  • Administrative and budgetary matters, including HR indicators and planned organisational changes;
  • Project, cost, schedule and risk management indicators;
  • International agreements and partnerships with third countries, international; organisations and entities;

The AMC has adopted the following Rules of Procedure.

Chair and Vice-Chair

The Chair and Vice Chair of the AMC are appointed by the Governing Board for a period of two years, renewable once.


Carlos Alejaldre
Dr Carlos Alejaldre (a.i.)
Emeritus Scientist and Former Director General CIEMAT (Center of Research on Energy, Environment and Technology)


AMC Members are appointed by the Board among people with relevant professional experience in project, budget management and risk management, human resources and general administration at senior level in private, public or international organisations. Below is the list of the current members of the AMC, with CVs and General Declarations of Interest prepared in accordance with the Governing Board’s decision of 09 June 2015 concerning Confidentiality, Independence, Preventing and Managing Conflicts of Interest and subject to this Specific Privacy Notice.


Ms Monika Fischer

Head of Administration, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

CV   |   GDoI


Mr. Morten Scharff

Senior Advisor, Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education

CV   |   GDoI


Mr Renatas Mazeika

European Commission

CV   |   GDoI


Ms Anne Montagnon

Acting Director SRD European Commission, DG MOVE and DG ENER

CV   |   GDoI


Mr Salah Dib

Financial controller CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux énergies alternatives)

CV   |   GDoI


Mr Armin Haase

Desk Officer, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


Dr Valentina Vaccaro

Head of the Fiscal Management Service, ENEA

CV   |   GDoI


Ms Ewelina Majuk-Puzyńska

Chief Specialist, Department of Innovation and Development Ministry of Education and Science

CV   |   GDoI


Ms Guadalupe de Córdoba Lasunción

Head of Area, Subdirección General de Internacionalización de la Ciencia y la Innovación

CV   |   GDoI