A call for expression of interest for External Experts has been published by Fusion for Energy (F4E) on 01.03.2023 in the Official Journal Series S43.
F4E invites applications from individuals in order to establish a list of prospective external experts who could be called upon to:
– provide technical expertise in the areas listed in Attachment no.1;
– support the evaluation of tenders or proposals;
– provide specific design services;
– provide support in the evaluation of R&D results;
– attend meetings, provide advice, develop scientific reports or guidance documents;
– participate in working groups;
– provide technical/ administrative support to a particular task or activity undertaken by Fusion for Energy in any of the areas listed in Attachment no.1.
Experts are expected to have a high level of professional experience in one or more areas of expertise.
Important: Please be informed that the former European Union (EU) employees in receipt of an EU pension are not eligible for the award of Expert Contracts.
Please consult the full text of the Call for expression of interest for external experts with detailed information about conditions of appointment, eligibility criteria and submission of applications here:
Call for Expression of Interest External Experts 2023
The list shall be valid for a period of five years from the date on which the notice of the Call for Expression of Interest was sent to the Office for Official Publications of the European Union, i.e. until 16.02.2028.
Applications shall be completed and submitted online at any time during the period of validity of the list, except for the last 3 months of validity of the list.
Please forward any queries you may have to f4e-experts@f4e.europa.eu
Associated documents
Please find below the relevant applicable documents for External Experts:
– Attachment no.1 (Areas of expertise)
– Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria
– Model Contract for External Experts
– Model Contract – Annex II Request for Payment
– Model Contract – Annex III Code of Conduct
– Model Contract – Annex IV Declaration of confidentiality, independence, commitment, and absence of conflict of interest
– Model Contract – Annex V Declaration Conflict of Interest for evaluators
– Model Contract – Annex VI – Rules on Processing of Personal Data
The Call for expression of interest for the establishment of a list of prospective individual experts to act as adjudicators for disputes arising from Operational Contracts of Fusion for Energy has been launched.
A number of Operational Contracts[1] of Fusion for Energy include a specific dispute settlement mechanism starting with “Adjudication”, based on FIDIC contract provisions.
Adjudication is a procedure by which any party to a construction contract has a right to have a dispute decided by an adjudicator. This process is intended to be quicker and more cost effective than litigation or arbitration. The adjudicator(s) must generally decide the dispute in a very short time and the decision adopted is binding.
The panel of adjudicators should consist of highly qualified individuals (primarily engineers) specialised in the field of the subject matter of the dispute.
Fusion for Energy hereby invites applications from individuals with a view to establishing a list of individual independent experts who may be called upon to act as adjudicators in order to provide technical expertise related to their technical area for the resolution of claims. In addition, the adjudicators may be requested to attend a number of information sessions/training days to maintain sound knowledge of overall progress of the contracts and ensure early detection of any potential disagreement with Contractors.
The list shall be valid for a period of five years from 11th May 2021, date of publication of this call on the official website of Fusion for Energy.
For further information, in particular on the technical areas, conditions of appointment, eligibility criteria etc. please consult the full text of the Call for Experts Adjudicators.
Applications shall be submitted via e-mail to f4e-adjudicators@f4e.europa.eu.
Associated documents
Model Contract for Adjudicators
Declaration on Honour template
[1]Operational Contracts are contracts awarded by Fusion for Energy in order to obtain the supply of movable or immovable assets, the execution of works or the provision of services for the implementation of the F4E’s international tasks related to the construction of ITER and the implementation of the Broader Approach and Demo.
F4E invites applications from individuals in order to establish a list of prospective of 3 to 5 high level expertise Assessors required to perform the 11TH FUSION FOR ENERGY ANNUAL ASSESSMENT with focus on the Buildings Programme. The technical areas of expertise are described in the Call for expression of interest below.
Interested candidates are expected to have and be able to demonstrate solid professional experience in one or more of the following areas of activities:
1‐ Civil Engineering and/or building services
2- Law
3- Business Administration or equivalent
4‐ Project Management
5‐ Procurement and Contract Management
6‐ Cost Estimate
7- Risk Assessment
8‐ Claims and variation management on large nuclear installations
Please consult the full text of the Call for expression of interest for Assessors with detailed information about conditions of appointment, eligibility criteria and submission of applications here.
Applications may be submitted at any time during the period of validity of the list, and for the purpose of the 11th Annual Assessment, application should be submitted before 03 March 2023
Applications shall be sent via e‐mail to f4e‐experts@f4e.europa.eu quoting the Call for expression of interest F4E-ASSESSORS-EXT-CALL-2023.
In order to be eligible, candidates shall provide a complete application consisting of:
• Updated CV
• Declaration on Honour on Exclusion Criteria (signed and dated) (template below)
Please forward any queries you may have to f4e-experts@f4e.europa.eu
Associated documents
Please find below the relevant applicable documents for the 11TH Fusion for Energy Annual Assessment:
- Declaration on honour
- Call for Expression of Interest F4E-ASSESSORS-EXT-CALL-2023
- Model Contract for the Call for Expression of Interest F4E-ASSESSORS-EXT-CALL-2023
- Annex II Request for Payment
- Annex III Code of Conduct
- Annex IV Declaration of confidentiality, independence, commitment, and absence of conflict of interest
- Annex V Rules on Processing of Personal Data
A call for expression of interest for External Experts has been published by Fusion for Energy (F4E) on 06.06.2018 in the Official Journal Series S106
F4E invites applications from individuals in order to establish a list of prospective external experts who could be called upon to:
– provide technical expertise in the areas listed below;
– support the evaluation of tenders or proposals;
– provide specific design services;
– provide support in the evaluation of R&D results;
– attend meetings, provide advice, develop scientific reports or guidance documents;
– participate in working groups.
Experts are expected to have a high level of professional experience in one or more areas of expertise
Please consult the full text of the Call for expression of interest for external experts with detailed information about conditions of appointment, eligibility criteria and submission of applications here:
Call for Expression of Interest External Experts 2018
The list shall be valid for a period of five years from the date on which the notice of the Call for Expression of Interest is sent to the Office for Official Publications of the European Union.
Applications can no longer be submitted for this Call for Expression of Interest.
Please forward any queries you may have to f4e-experts@f4e.europa.eu
Associated documents
Please find below the relevant applicable documents for External Experts :
– Model Contract for External Experts
– Model Contract – Annex II Request for Payment
– Model Contract – Annex III Code of Conduct
– Model Contract – Annex IV Declaration of confidentiality, independence, commitment, and absence of conflict of interest
– Model Contract – Annex V Declaration Conflict of Interest for evaluators
– Annex VI – Rules on Processing of Personal Data
Fusion for Energy processes the personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data. The purpose of the processing, legal basis, rights of the individual experts, recipients and other aspects of the personal data processing in Fusion for Energy are provided in the following Privacy Notice.