Benchmarking ITER progress

Participants at the MAC meeting held in Barcelona during 18-19 March

The ITER Council, at its11th meeting (IC-11) in November 2012, requested the ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC) to have a special meeting to assess the implementation of corrective actions proposed by ITER IO and Domestic Agencies focusing on critical and super-critical components/systems including the assembly plan. The MAC was asked to propose, if necessary, additional actions to realise the schedule approved as the 2010 Baseline.

The MAC held this 2nd special meeting in Barcelona on 18 and 19 March 2013. MAC Chair Ranjay Sharan, ITER IO Director-General, Professor Osamu Motojima, heads of the six Domestic Agencies, delegates representing all ITER Parties, and relevant IO representatives, gathered together to discuss issues related to maintaining the ITER project’s schedule, focusing on:
• Assessment of schedule development;
• Assessment of the list of critical items and super-critical items;
• Assessment of the implementation of corrective actions proposed by the Unique ITER Team (UIT);
• Encouragement of the UIT to adopt additional corrective actions to realise the schedule recovery and to assess a realistic First Plasma date.