F4E launches Technology Transfer Award

The EU contribution to ITER, and the years of investment in fusion research, have been instrumental in offering companies and laboratories the possibility to participate in the most ambitious experiments in the field and to unleash their potential. Sometimes breakthroughs have occurred due to new and demanding technical requirements. Multi-disciplinary expertise, new processes and data are thoroughly reviewed to deliver the best solutions. In other occasions, however, almost by accident, a mix of skills and human curiosity offer unexpected answers to complex questions. The ways to breakthroughs are several and the gains they generate are many.
From the very beginning, F4E has been encouraging its industrial partners to explore their fusion know-how and try selling it to new markets. By exporting new knowledge, we create a spillover effect, which generates important benefits for all.
F4E has launched the “Technology Transfer Award” to inject new dynamism in the market and reward European companies and laboratories that can present technology transfers in non-fusion markets. The submission process opens on 18 January and closes on 18 March. A financial award of 10 000 EUR will be given to the winner.
For more details click here.