Who We Are

Who we are

F4E counts more than 450 members of staff, mostly engineers, physicists, project managers and specialised administrative staff, engaged in delivering Europe’s contribution in the various projects involved. F4E has offices in four different locations across the world: Barcelona (Spain), Cadarache (France), Garching (Germany) and Rokkasho (Japan).

The collaboration between Departments and teams is anchored in a matrix structure maximising performance and efficiency.

To view the complete organisational structure of F4E click here.

The Director

The Director is the chief executive officer responsible for the day-to-day management of F4E and its legal representative.

Marc Lachaise Director of F4E  CV and GDoI

Leadership Team

Leonardo Biagioni
Head of Projects Department
Enrique García Vidorreta
Head of Fusion Technologies & Engineering Department
Kristel Tans
Head of Project Control, Supply Chain & Finance Department
Alessia Vecchio
Head of Administration Department

F4E staff come from industry, research and the public sector and most of them have a background in engineering, physics, law and the social sciences. They bring their experience and commitment into a major international and scientific project that could shape the world.

They are mainly nationals of the Members of the Joint Undertaking and are subject to the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Conditions of Employment of other Servants of the European Communities.

F4E relies on specialised and qualified staff to honour its contribution to its various projects.

If you are interested in working at F4E, consult the “Career opportunities” page.

In accordance with the principles of integrity, transparency and independence, a policy managing potential conflicts interest and a specific Fraud Prevention Strategy apply to F4E’s staff.