Vacant positions at ITER IO are published on a regular basis on the ITER IO website. The place of employment is Cadarache (France). Visit the recruitment page of ITER IO to find out more about the latest information on open positions.
Please note that according to the ITER Agreement, only citizens from the ITER parties (People’s Republic of China, European Union , India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA) may apply for the vacant positions.
All applications for vacant positions at ITER IO should be submitted through the ITER IO e-recruitment tool. Only job applications submitted within the deadline directly through the ITER IO recruitment tool will be taken into consideration. In case of technical questions on the e-recruitment tool, please contact hr-recruitment@iter.org.
While applying through the ITER IO e-recruitment tool applicants will be asked to fill in their application file including a resume and cover letter in English.
How is F4E involved in ITER IO selections?
In the case of EU nationals, F4E -Europe’s Domestic Agency, will process their application. Applicants can contact F4E at iter-applications@f4e.europa.eu.
Once applications are processed, applicants will be informed by email of the outcome of the pre-selection phase. F4E will then transmit the pre-selected candidates to ITER IO, which will take over the selection procedure and take direct contact with applicants.