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to work with us

F4E is responsible for Europe’s contribution to ITER, which amounts to half of the project’s costs and translates into a wide range of business opportunities for companies and R&D organisations. Europe’s involvement in ITER offers them the possibility to extend their new know-how and gain access into a new energy market.
involvement of F4E
in the Broader Approach

The Broader Approach (BA) Agreement, signed between Europe and Japan, consists of activities which complement ITER. Research experiments and the testing of new technologies will help us to deliver fusion energy. F4E is co-ordinating the European contribution to the BA experiments. The resources are largely volunteered by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.
more about us

The mission of F4E is to make fusion energy a reality through its involvement in ITER and the Broader Approach. This know-how will also be used towards the development of commercial fusion power plants. These international cutting-edge projects attract talented and committed professionals from all over Europe.