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- F4E and EUROfusion reinforce collaborationNew agreement signed during EUROfusion’s General Assembly.11.12.2024
- F4E launches two pilots of the Technology Development ProgrammeThe scheme will fund R&D in critical fusion technologies.15.11.2024
- F4E SME Day puts business opportunities in the spotlightSmaller companies discover how to be involved in fusion.14.11.2024
- F4E joins global leaders and experts at the World Fusion Energy GroupItaly hosts first ministerial meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) initiative.07.11.2024
- F4E hosts the Enterprise Risk Management International NetworkTop experts discuss the contribution of AI in fusion energy.08.10.2024
- F4E unveils new fusion business opportunities at BSBF 2024Future tenders, novel collaborations with industry, and the role of women in big science stood out.07.10.2024