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- ITER’s massive high-voltage boxes manufacturedTruckloads of Neutral Beam power supplies arriving on-site.12.12.2024
- F4E and AVS-Tecnalia deliver beam line components for MITICASite acceptance tests of neutraliser and ion dumps completed.11.10.2024
- First deliveries to light ITER’s Neutral BeamsEuropean Power Supplies arrive in Cadarache after testing prototypes in MITICA.24.05.2024
- A crane close to ITER’s heart.F4E and Reel start designing equipment for Remote Handling system.24.04.2024
- Success for MITICA Cryopump site tests!F4E, ITER Organization and Consorzio RFX formally welcome the component at the Neutral Beam Test Facility.28.03.2023
- Neutral beam remote handling crane passes testsF4E, Jacobs and REEL to focus on the final design of the system.04.10.2022