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- Operview wins F4E Technology Transfer Demonstrator CallThe spin-off plans to use an ITER remote vision system to teleoperate industrial vehicles.11.11.2024
- A crane close to ITER’s heart.F4E and Reel start designing equipment for Remote Handling system.24.04.2024
- European success for ITER Remote Handling system.F4E and VTT demonstrate that key technologies work at Divertor Test Platform (DTP2) facility.03.04.2024
- F4E and Ansaldo Nucleare kick off collaboration for ITER Remote Handling equipmentEurope’s first manufacturing contract in this field creates momentum.27.02.2024
- Design approved for ITER Cask and Plug Remote Handling SystemManufacturing set to start in 2024.17.07.2023
- Europe’s In-Vessel Viewing systems tested on ITER prototypeMoment of truth for F4E, Bertin Technologies, ASE Optics Europe, and ITER Organization.04.07.2023