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- F4E and Alsymex ready to manufacture ITER Inner Vertical TargetsThe contract is signed after successful testing and qualification of the prototype.07.08.2024
- European success for ITER Remote Handling system.F4E and VTT demonstrate that key technologies work at Divertor Test Platform (DTP2) facility.03.04.2024
- How to transmit signals inside the ITER Vacuum Vessel?F4E and Gutmar develop a system to receive diagnostics information from the divertor.08.06.2022
- All contracts awarded for ITER Divertor Cassette bodiesFusion for Energy signs deal with Walter Tosto for the production of remaining units.
- Virtual reality guides engineers to perform ITER maintenance worksF4E chooses VR4Robots software for Europe’s Remote Handling systems.15.04.2021
- Hydraulic Digital Valves installed in ITER Remote Handling facilityCompact actuators flex their muscles to lift heavy components.09.12.2020