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- F4E and Alsymex ready to manufacture ITER Inner Vertical TargetsThe contract is signed after successful testing and qualification of the prototype07.08.2024
- Europe to start manufacturing a series of Inner Vertical TargetsF4E signs contract with Research Instruments to produce the first 13 pieces for ITER.16.12.2022
- European success for another Inner Vertical Target prototypeReady to conduct high heat flux tests on the component by Research Instruments.04.02.2021
- Europe’s Inner Vertical Target prototype passes all factory acceptance testsF4E together with Ansaldo Nucleare, ENEA, Walter Tosto deliver a first-of-a-kind ITER component.01.12.2020
- ITER In-Vessel component ready to take the heatEurope and Russia start testing F4E’s first full-scale prototype of the Inner-Vertical Target.07.11.2018
- F4E and Ansaldo Nucleare unveil ITER Inner Vertical Target prototypeFor the first time in Europe, industry produces this component at such scale.29.05.2018