F4E hosts the Enterprise Risk Management International Network

Top experts gathered at F4E for the yearly ERMINe meeting, under the title 'Embracing the power of AI'. ©F4E


Last week, Fusion for Energy (F4E) hosted the annual meeting of the Enterprise Risk Management International Network (ERMINe) in Barcelona. The event brought together leading experts to discuss the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in corporate strategies and its impact in various sectors.

The purpose of ERMINe is to promote the exchange of lessons learned and best practices among risk management professionals. Under the title ‘Embracing the power of AI?,’ this year’s edition featured speakers from world-class organisations such as the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA, UN World Food Programme, among others. Fusion energy, and the ITER project in particular, were by presented by F4E as examples to illustrate the potential of AI in big science projects.

“Delivering fusion energy combines hope, innovation, and risk, in an unprecedented way, pushing us to think out of the box and act strategically. In this respect, AI will help us develop clean technologies and achieve commercially viable reactors,” asserted F4E Director, Marc Lachaise, in his address to the audience.   

Fusion engineers and scientists are looking at advanced algorithms and machine learning as game-changing tools. AI could help, for instance, in optimising reactor designs, predicting plasma behaviours, and enhance safety protocols. In fact, F4E already counts with a success story, having developed prediction models to cross check conformities in the ITER Vacuum Vessel sectors.

After two days of forum, the participants left with many new insights about the challenges and opportunities that AI and other trends are bringing to their domain. Cristian Casanova, F4E’s Corporate Risk Officer explained that: “The success of the ERMINe event underscores the critical importance of risk management for F4E’s mission. By leveraging advanced technologies like AI and fostering collaborations with expert networks, we are better equipped to navigate the complexities that F4E is facing.”

Elisabetta Nori, ERMINe President, added: “The discussions with best-in-class experts brings a great enrichment in skills and ideas, a cross-fertilisation that everyone takes into their own organisation to get results. F4E made this extraordinary experience possible and showed a high maturity level in risk management and culture.”