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- Europe and Japan test materials for future fusion reactorsDEMO post-irradiation experiments will start at SCK CEN and KIT.25.07.2024
- Europe and Japan invest in supercomputers to boost fusion researchIFERC collaboration kicks off a new round of simulation projects.06.06.2024
- Europe and Japan develop new tools to remotely follow up LIPAcHow engineers from two parts of the world found shortcuts to make progress in spite of COVID-19 restrictions.22.01.2021
- Experts measure the tritium retained inside dust particles produced in a tokamakEurope and Japan deliver major scientific breakthrough through Broader Approach agreement.17.07.2020
- WEST invites East to its control roomExperts from Europe and Japan follow in real time plasma experiment performed 9620 km away.04.02.2019
- The sunset of “Helios”One of the most powerful supercomputers is switched off after completing its mission with success.16.03.2017