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- F4E and ITER Organization strengthen cooperation in nuclear safetyAn integrated team reviews pressure equipment for Test Blanket Modules.28.11.2024
- Europe and Japan test materials for future fusion reactorsDEMO post-irradiation experiments will start at SCK CEN and KIT.25.07.2024
- European steel for Test Blanket Modules arrives in KoreaF4E delivers 5.8 tonnes of EUROFER97.08.07.2024
- Europe makes progress in the design of ITER Test Blanket ModulesCloser collaboration between F4E and EUROfusion holds the key to success.30.01.2024
- How to solve the fusion fuel puzzle?Europe and Korea join forces to test a new concept in ITER.21.03.2023
- Designing and manufacturing teams gather to advance on Test Blanket ModulesExperts exchange information in view of the Preliminary Design Review.11.07.2022