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- Europe delivers ITER’s final Poloidal Field coilBig finale for big magnets!
- One of the largest superconducting magnets completed and delivered.F4E and suppliers concluded the fourth Poloidal Field coil for ITER.
- Fabrication advancing for largest superconductive magnetsCold tests start for Poloidal Field coil 4, giant impregnation station awaits PF3.
- Poloidal Field coils team wins 2022 first-of-a-kind component awardITER Organization End-of-Year celebration pays tribute to colleagues and companies accomplishing major achievement.
- Mastering the manufacturing of ITER Poloidal Field coilsEurope is producing three massive magnets in parallel. Discover the milestones and challenges faced by the F4E team and their contractors.
- Have no fear-the F4E Magnets superheroes are here!Meet the team behind Europe’s ITER Poloidal Field coils.